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Prophetic Discussions, Doors and Gates

Guarding your Gate, The word of the Lord tells us to guard our hearts.

September being Rosh Hashanah 2023 (The Hebrew New Year as the year of the Open Gate 5784) The Decade of the Mouth of God Speaking new things.

Proverbs 4:23 tells us we are to watch over our mouth, ears, nose, eyes, and maintain a pure heart. Guard your heart and do it with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life. Doors and Gates, and when we are born of God's Spirit our Spirit is sealed with the Holy Ghost as a young girl, this was the father's thing in my mind. I allowed every spirit to enter my eye, ears, nose, and mouth gate. Unaware of how the enemy was lurking about seeking whom he may devour. I allowed this in my life. Giving the enemy access and permission to manifest the generational curse in my lineage. See the enemy had a legal right to enter my heart because I was Ignorant of his devices. So many issues and a lack of knowledge led me to be prey for the enemy. I can remember being taken advantage of by a relative. However, I was too young to distinguish that the encounter was Incest. This was an open door to sexual abuse, physical abuse, trauma, and drama. The enemy walked right in the door. This is why I exposé the devil. Our generation has doors, gates, fences, and entryways that need to be closed. This is where the issues of life come from; the word issue in the KJV (Greek) Borders, extremities and they have access to go in and out of our lives. Only through the word of God can we escape, This is akin to Cindy Trimm when she expressed in her book (Atomic Prayers ).He has free entry on demand because the People of God are being used like hotels and motels.

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